The final results of the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance elections for party leader were released by the Central Overseeing Elections Committee on Monday.
According to the official announcement, after the counting of all party members who voted at the 537 election sections, as well as online if living abroad, were as follows:
Total voters: 148,821 Syriza members.
Valid votes: 147,821
Blank votes: 293
Invalid votes: 1,220
Of the valid votes, the results are:
Stefanos Kasselakis: 44.91% (66,156 votes)
Efi Achtsioglou: 36.18% (53,292 votes)
Euclid Tsakalotos: 8.93% (13,156 votes)
Nikos Pappas: 8.68% (12,787 votes)