Greek economy grew 2.7%

The Greek economy grew by  2.7% in the second quarter of  2023 compared with the same  period last year, and by 1.3%  in comparison with the first  quarter of 2023, Hellenic  Statistical Authority said on  Wednesday. 

The statistics service said that  the Greek GDP grew 2.0% in  the first quarter of 2023 and  reminded that the country’s  GDP grew 7.1% in the second  quarter of 2022 (annually) and  rose 0.5% on a quarterly  basis. 

Final consumption spending  grew 2% in the second quarter conference on shipping  financing at the Yacht Club of  Greece in Piraeus, as part of  the 10th anniversary of the  Belt and Road Initiative. 

The event included as  speakers Export-Import Bank  of China Vice-Chairman and  President, Ren Shengjun;  Hellenic Ship Financiers  President, Giorgos Xiradakis;  Bank of Greece Deputy  Governor, Theodore Pelagidis;  and Chinese Ambassador to  Athens Xiao Junzheng. Over 70  representatives from Greek  and Chinese sectors of the  economy and shipping were  invited, the Chinese embassy  said in a statement. 

Σαρώνει την Ελλάδα η κακοκαιρία. Μετά τις πυρκαγιές, η χώρα παραδίνεται στο έλεος της φονικής κακοκαιρίας

Ασύλληπτη είναι η καταστροφή στη χώρα, αυτήν την φορά όχι λόγω των πυρκαγιών, αλλά λόγω των πλημμυρών που έφερε το συντριπτικό πέρασμα της κακοκαιρίας Daniel. Σπίτια

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