Hellenic Film Society USA presents New York Greek Film Expo 2023

The Hellenic Film Society USA (HFS) will present its annual New York Greek  Film Expo, a Greek film festival for all New Yorkers, October 5—15. Screenings of the latest Greek films will be  presented at the Village East Cinema in Manhattan and at the Barrymore Film Center in Fort Lee, NJ. A special  retrospective of the films of the acclaimed director, screenwriter and actor, Renos Haralambidis, will be shown at  the prestigious Museum of the Moving Image (MoMI) October 13-15.  

In attendance throughout the festival will be Haralambidis and many of the filmmakers whose films are being  presented. They will participate in Q&A sessions with the audience following their screenings. HFS will present  14 screenings of 11 feature films, as well as film shorts. Films are in Greek with English subtitles.

Additional  programming will include a Master Class with Haralambidis; a panel discussion on the state of Greek cinema; a  Directors on Directors conversation, and interviews with Haralambidis following each of his screenings by  acclaimed film historians Andrew Horton (University of Oklahoma), and Foster Hirsch (Brooklyn College),  and David Schwartz, founder of Cinema Projects and former MoMI Chief Curator. 

“The New York Greek Film Expo will be showcasing the best of the current Greek film season,” says Jimmy  DeMetro, Hellenic Film Society president. “And we are pleased to offer a retrospective of the works of Renos  Haralambidis, as we give New Yorkers an opportunity to reassess the work of this important Greek filmmaker.” 

A panel discussion on the state of Greek cinema moderated by Nicholas Alexiou, Professor of Sociology, Queens  College, CUNY, will be held at the Greek Consulate on Wednesday, October 11. The Renos retrospective kicks off  with a “Directors on Directors” conversation on Thursday, October 12 at the Hana House in downtown Brooklyn,  followed by a Master Class for film students at The Players Club on Friday, October 13.

All four Haralambidis films  will be showcased at MoMI: 4 BLACK SUITS (2010) on Friday, October 13; NO BUDGET STORY (1997) and THE  HEART OF THE BEAST (2005) on Saturday, October 14. A live musical performance featuring acclaimed jazz  vibraphonist and composer Christos Rafalides and Haralambidis will precede the screening of CHEAP SMOKES  (2000) on Sunday, October 15.  

“The Hellenic Film Society is proud to present the works of Renos Haralambidis,” says George Stephanopoulos,  curator of the retrospective and HFS board member. “This retrospective pays tribute to one of Greece’s true  auteur directors whose life’s work is his art, encompassing his talents as a director, actor, and writer. Renos  represents the best of Greece and Greek cinema with his personal reflections on modern Athenian life at the core  of each of his films.”  

Screenings will be held at the Village East Cinema, 181 Second Ave (12 St), New York, NY; Museum of the Moving  Image, 35 Av at 37 St, Astoria, NY; and the new Barrymore Film Center, 153 Main Street, Fort Lee, NJ.

New York Greek Film Expo 2023 is made possible with support from Metaxa®, the Greek National Tourism  Organization, ConnectOne Bank, NYWIFT (New York Women in Film & Television), the Greek Film Centre, the  Consulate General of Greece, the New York City Council and the Queens Borough President. 

For additional information or to purchase tickets, please visit www.hellenicfilmusa.org or call 347-934-9497. 

About the Hellenic Film Society USA 

The Hellenic Film Society USA (HFS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization rooted in the belief that Greek cinema  should be part of the American cultural landscape. Based in Astoria, NY, the organization promotes feature films,  documentaries, and film shorts made by Greek filmmakers and those of Greek descent, as well as films that promote  the cultures of Greece and Cyprus.  

In addition to presenting its annual film festival, HFS collaborates with the prestigious Museum of the Moving Image  on Always on Sunday, a series of monthly Greek film screenings. 

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