Kefalogianni: Tourism brings multiple benefits to the national economy and supports local societies

“Apart from its contribution to the GDP of the Greek economy, we want tourism to have a qualitative impact on the country, the environment, the people, the local communities”, Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni stated in an interview with Athens-Macedonian News Agency on Sunday.

The temporal and spatial expansion of tourist activity throughout the territory, and the enrichment and diversification of the tourist product, are central objectives of the strategy of the Ministry of Tourism, with Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni making special reference to the recent bill.

The new bill, explained Kefalogianni, contributes to a turn towards the sustainable and qualitative development of Greek tourism. The goal, as she emphasised, is to achieve balance, the golden ratio between supporting local economies and protecting the environment.

That is, the point where the protection and enhancement of the natural and cultural environment meets the development of local societies, added the minister, underlining that: “Tourism brings multiple benefits to the national economy and supports local societies, and we should ensure today that this will continue in the future”.

Regarding the cruise sector, the minister was clear. “Restructuring is needed to adapt the activity to the measure of the country and the infrastructure of the Greek destinations”. She also added that the strengthening of special forms of tourism will increase tourist traffic in all regions.

Kefalogianni also talked about a new type of tourist business created by the new law, which is none other than the organized luxury living tourist camp (the so-called glamping), which responds, as she said, to the need of the traveler who wants the contact with nature, but with high standard amenities and a small environmental footprint.

Finally, the minister made a special reference to the efforts made by the Tourism Ministry to utilise culture as a tool, which will embrace the new tourist profile of the country. This effort also includes the co-organization by the Ministry of Tourism, The Greek National Tourism Organisation and the Acropolis Museum of the exhibition of photographs by the famous American photographer Robert McCabe presented in the museum’s periodical exhibition hall by on May 28 until September 8, 2024.

“Robert McCabe’s photo exhibition is dedicated to preserving the authenticity, character, natural environment and great cultural capital of our country, in full alignment with our vision of a sustainable tourism that serves the values of Greece that respects its past and continues to inspire and fascinate people from every corner of the earth,” she highlighted.


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