Washington DC. Two new Greek-American Members of Congress received Ambassador Ekaterini Nassika in their office

January 15, 2025. Today the Ambassador of Greece to the US Ekaterini Nassika met with the two new Greek-American Members of Congress, just days after they were sworn-in as Members of Congress.  

Both Congresswoman Maggie Tamposi Goodlander (a Democrat from New Hampshire) and Congressman Mike Haridopoulos (a Republican from Florida) received Ambassador Nassika in their office as the very first Ambassador with whom them met since entering the US Congress.

Coincidentally Congresswoman Goodlander and Ambassador Nassika’s family’s come from the same village in Greece – Avdella in the Pindos mountains.  Congressman Haridopoulos’ father was born in Athens.

The meeting was also attended by the Greek-American lobbyist, Mike Manatos, President and CEO of the historic firm “Manatos & Manatos”.

The meeting was also attended by the Greek-American lobbyist, Mike Manatos, President and CEO of the historic firm “Manatos & Manatos”. Photo: Mike Manatos, Maggie Tamposi Goodlander and  Ekaterini Nassika

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