DOP. Grand President (2023-2024) Marianthi Treppiedi. Νέα ηγεσία στις Θυγατέρες της Πηνελόπης (GR-ENG)

Την Marianthi Treppiedi από την πόλη Spokane, στην Πολιτειία Ουάσιγκτον εξέλεξαν ως μέγα πρόεδρο για το έτος 2023-2024 οι εκπρόσωποι του Ανώτατου Συνεδρίου των Θυγατέρων της Πηνελόπης, της γυναικείας οργάνωσης της AHEPA, πριν λίγες μέρες στο Λας Βέγκας.

Το Σποκάν είναι πόλη που βρίσκεται στις βορειοδυτικές Πολιτείες.

Δίπλα στην πολιτεία της Ουάσινγκτον βρίσκονται οι Πολιτείες Όρεγκον και Αιντάχο.

Η Marianthi σπούδασε Νομικά στο Spokane και είναι παντρεμένη με τον σύζυγό της, Ρόκι. Έχουν τρία υπέροχα παιδιά επτά υπέροχα εγγόνια. 4 αγόρια και τρία κορίτσια.

Η Μαριάνθη γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στο Queens της Νέας Υόρκης.

Ο πατέρας της, Αθανάσιος Τσιάτης ήταν μετανάστης από τη Βόρεια Ελλάδα και ή μητέρα, της Άννα Τσιάτη, ήρθε στην Αμερική μετανάστρια από την Αθήνα.

2023 2024 Presidents
Λας Βέγκας. ΗΠΑ. Από αριστερά διακρίνονται ο πρόεδρος των Υιών του Περικλή, Αλεκ Εκονομάκης, ο ύπατος πρόεδρος της AHEPA Σάββας Τσίβικος, η ύπατη πρόεδρος των Θυγατέρων της Πηνελόπης, (Marianthi Treppiedi) και η πρόεδρος των Θεραπαινίδων της Αθηνάς, Άλι Τσενέκος.

Congratulations also to AHEPA Supreme President Savas Tsivicos, Sons of Pericles Supreme
President Alec Economakis, and Maids of Athena Grand President Ally Tsenekos.

Treppiedi Elected Grand President of Daughters of Penelope 

The Daughters of Penelope (DOP) delegates of the 2023 Supreme Convention elected Marianthi  Treppiedi as Grand President for the 2023-2024 administrative year. Elections were held July 27,  at the 101st Annual AHEPA Supreme Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Grand President Marianthi Treppiedi is a member of Parnassus  

Chapter No. 115 in Firwood District 22. She resides in the  beautiful City of Spokane, Washington, the Evergreen State.

She is married to her husband of 49 years, Rocky. Their three   children are married, and she has seven wonderful grandchildren,  four grandsons and three granddaughters.

Marianthi’s first son,  Nicky, died of SIDS in 1980 at nine months old. She moved to  Spokane a year after she married Rocky.

There, he graduated  from Gonzaga University Law School. Marianthi loved Spokane  and decided to stay to raise a family.  

Treppiedi was born and raised in Queens, New York. Her father,  Athanasios Tsiatis, emigrated from Northern Greece, and her  mother, Anna Tsiatis, emigrated from Athens. 

Daughters of Penelope Service 

Grand President Treppiedi has served the Daughters of Penelope for more than 33 years at the  local, district and national levels.

• She earned election to the Grand Lodge in 2017 and served all offices.

• At the national level, she served on the Daughters of Penelope Foundation (2015 to  2017). 

• At Supreme Conventions, she served as Convention Vice Chair, Convention Secretary,  Chairman of the Legislation Committee, and the Education

Committee and Secretary on  the Projects Committee. 

She also served on the Northwest AHEPA Family Educational Foundation from 2005-2019,  serving as chairman from 2011-2019.  

In 1969, Marianthi joined the AHEPA family as a member of the Maids of Athena.

Community Service 

Marianthi is a community leader. She served as President of the SIDS Foundation of  Washington. In addition, she served on several nonprofit boards, including: 

• United Way of Spokane, the Junior League of Spokane, the Spokane Symphony, and  Spokane Interplayers Ensemble. 

She also served on the Shadle Park High School Site Council, the Senior All-Nighter as  Chairman, and on the Spokane Public Schools Levy and Bond Election. 

Currently, Marianthi serves as Vice President of her Philoptochos Chapter at Holy Trinity Greek  Orthodox Church and previously served on the Parish Council.  

Professional & Education 

Marianthi retired in 2019 after working for 30 years for a company’s accounts receivable and  payable department. 

She attended the Greek American Institute for elementary school, William Cullen Bryant High  School and graduated from Queens College of the City University of New York in 1975 with a  major in education. 

Presidential Theme 

Grand President Treppiedi has embraced the theme, “The Power of We…CommUNITY” to lead  the Daughters of Penelope Sisterhood. Unity promotes collaboration and teamwork.  “When we work together towards a common goal, we can achieve anything. Unity helps to build  stronger relationships between people, and when we feel like we are part of a community we are  more likely to support and help each other. I will promote a sense of unity that every member– every one of us–needs to be valued and acknowledged. I will keep the lines of communication  open so we can work together for the Good of the Order. My values include treating everyone  with respect, kindness, and integrity. I believe in giving back to my community and my passion is  my Greek heritage through the Daughters of Penelope.” 

2023 2024 Grand Lodge
L to R Front Row: Grand Treasurer Gretchen Holtsinger, Grand Vice President Margaret
Dritsas, Grand President Marianthi Treppiedi, Grand Secretary Antoinette Marousis
Zachariades, and Grand Governor Zone I Marianne Boutsioulis. L to R Back Row: Grand
Governor Zone III Christie Finch, Grand Governor Zone IV Linda Belba, Grand Governor Zone
II Patty Didik, Grand Governor Zone V Xanthe Vafopoulou, and Grand Maids of Athena Advisor
Effie Kirkiles.

2023-2024 Daughters of Penelope Grand Lodge 

In addition to Grand President Marianthi Treppiedi, the following individuals were elected to the Daughters of Penelope Grand Lodge: 

Grand Vice President Margaret Dritsas of Ottawa, Canada; 

Grand Secretary Antoinette M. Zachariades of Brick, NJ; 

Grand Treasurer Gretchen Holtsinger of Wimberley, TX; 

Grand Governor Zone I Marianne Boutsioulis of Cheshire, CT; 

Grand Governor Zone II Patty Didik of Hudson, FL; 

Grand Governor Zone III Christie Finch of Aurora, CO; 

Grand Governor Zone IV Linda Belba of San Jose, CA; 

Grand Governor Zone V Xanthe Vafopoulou of Richmond Hill, ON, Canada; and Grand Advisor to the Maids of Athena Effie Kirkiles of Oakland Park, FL.

AHEPA Family Supreme Convention 2024 

The 2024 Supreme Convention will convene the week of July 21 in Larnaca, Cyprus. 

Founded in San Francisco in 1929, the Daughters of Penelope is the first women’s organization of its kind established in the United States.

It is an affiliate organization of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA). 

The mission of the DOP is to promote the ancient Greek ideals of  Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. 

For more information about the DOP, or any of its programs or projects, please visit  

Upcoming Events:

District Governors Leadership Conference

Hellenic DNA: Panos Satzoglou


Θέση υπέρ του αγώνα των Ελληνορθοδόξων για θρησκευτική ελευθερία στην Τουρκία έχει πάρει ο Τζον Φέτερμαν που στις ενδιάμεσες εκλογές των ΗΠΑ κέρδισε την έδρα στη Γερουσία για την Πενσιλβάνια, εκτοπίζοντας

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