Unprecedented storm in Greece stretches allresources, Climate Crisisminister says

The intensity and duration of  the unprecedented torrential  rain in Greece has put all  related authorities under great  pressure to respond to the  emergency, Climate Crisis and  Civil Protection Minister  Vassilis Kikilias said during a  briefing on the ‘Daniel’ weather  phenomenon on Wednesday.

Daniel dumped record breaking amounts of water in  Greece as of Wednesday,  particularly in Thessaly  (central Greece) and nearby  regions. Two people died, four  are still missing, while two  formerly missing Austrian  tourists were found safe and  sound, Kikilias said, while the  storms did great damage to  infrastructure, homes, and  businesses. 

Civil Protection, the Fire Brigade, Hellenic Police, the  emergency ambulance service  (EKAV), the Armed Forces, and  local government organizations  have given their alll, he  underlined. Civil Protection had  issued warnings and directions  to regional and municipal  authorities about the weather  forecasts since September 1,  he added. Authorities also  worked on restoring critical  infrastructure such as power  supply, which also affected the  supply of water. 

Operating in Thessaly and  Central Greece are a total of  360 firefighters with 158 fire  engines and several units of  the emergency rescue service  (EMAK). They have carried out  552 water-pumping  operations, 172 rescues of 417  citizens, and a total of 14  warning text messages sent by  the emergency service number 112. 

Cars on the Athens Thessaloniki National Highway,  where traffic was suspended  between Nikea near Larissa to  the borders of Magnissia  (Magnesia) region due to the  weather, were diverted to safe  roads, the minister said. 

Flights at the Skiathos airport  were restored, while the port  of Volos (Magnissia, in central  Greece) is out of operation for  reasons of safety, he added,  while the Kala Nera bridge in  South Pilio has been inspected  and the army will restore it. 

Kikilias said the powerful storm  will last until Thursday night.

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Ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αμερικής, κ. Ελπιδοφόρος στο Μιλγουόκι, για να αναπέμψει την καθιερωμένη προσευχή στο Συνέδριο του Ρεπουμπλικανικού Κόμματος

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