When I Forget, I Feel Joyful. First Television Broadcast on ERT World (Video)

2nd Part: Songs of Love

Sunday 17 December 2023, 04:00 (Αthens time)

Sydney 13:00,

New York 21:00 (Saturday 16 December)

Replay Sunday 17 December at 19:00 (Athens time)

ERT World will broadcast, this Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 04:00 (Athens time), the second part of the concert “When I Forget, I Feel Joyful” which took place at the Athens Concert Hall and was organized by the International Center for Epirus Music.

The second part of the concert includes “Songs of Love.” This collection of songs from Epirus are widely sung and familiar even today. The joy of love and its sorrows, the wedding, the inevitable yet fruitless love, the radiance of human beauty, and the limitation of all the above due to conservative social conditions, have been basic components for their creation and preservation.

The program includes songs from the bride’s wedding preparation, characteristic instrumental tunes danced throughout Epirus, and songs of love from Ioannina, Zagori, Metsovo, Kalarrytes, and Syrrako in Tzoumerka, Pogoni, Parakalamos, Souli and Thesprotia, Konitsa, Preveza and also Sarakatsanika songs.

The concert features fifty musicians and singers from Epirus and eighty-five dancers from the ‘Lyceum of Greek Women’ in Athens. They were accompanied by veteran singers from various regions of Epirus. The polyphonic ensemble ‘Inoro’ is also featured in the performance.

Artistic Advisors: Lefteris Drandakis, Nikos Zekis, Tasos Plitsis
Production Managers: Technotropon – Artway
Videography – Editing: Giorgos Georgoulas
Organized by the International Center of Epirus Music

The concert is held under the auspices of the Panepirotic Federation of Greece and with the support of the Region of Epirus.

Repeat on Sunday 19:00 (Athens time)

The 2-Part Concert is also available on ERTFLIX for viewers in Greece and around the world.

For more information visit the website: https://www.ert.gr/ertworld

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